Sunday, January 6, 2013

Dynamic Views - Part 1

I never seem to understand. I'm always the one person in the world
that has so much to learn but with so little time.

Because a lot is at stake...

But I don't want to look back on life and wonder what if or whether or not there is something else out there that I missed because I played it safe. Now, please understand, that the words on my blog are not for anyone else to take advice or to make haste with their own lives. These words are a look into my thoughts on certain subjects because, most of the time, I never get a chance to say them. Apparently, I'm the loudest but never have anything to say. I have many friends but but only feel most comfortable with myself and my pain can only be felt by me, myself and I. Right now, there 6,973,738,433 people on Earth and because of this it's definitely easy to feel small and not heard. So maybe, I need to stop passing judgement on the people who keep blogs and write everything they feel down and ultimately use it as a mean's of reference or "textbook look up" and rip a page from their book. As much as I feel like I'm never being heard, maybe this blog is a good idea because now, regardless of whether or not I ever share the URL, because it's on the internet, who knows who will stumble upon it? Maybe it's not about who's hearing you but rather just being heard. 

So here's to the loudest voice I've got! The internet. Maybe my empty pit will be filled now that I've got someone... well, something... that I can vent to and maybe, just maybe, not my intelligence and my own dynamic views can be appreciated now that I, Tameka Bazile, have just created my own "textbook look up." 

Here goes nothing...

"Shut up & listen - this is a voice I guarantee you've never heard."

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