Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Be Open Minded (But, Not So Much That Your Brain'll Fall Out)

I've been following this page on Facebook for a while now:


It's written by a man but that's why I like it. It's a man's point of view on women, relationships and life in general and, regardless of the name, it does not blame all of women's problems on men. It's actually a pretty good blog. The writer's name is Charles J. Orlando and he recently posted an open letter to Taylor Swift. Here's the link:


Now, anyone who knows me knows that Taylor Swift is one of my favorite artists. Ever feeling like men suck and that gravity should just eject them off the planet? She's your girl! Swift has a reputation for being the red carpet's good girl. I mean look at her. She has no unnecessary piercings or tattoos. Her hair is the natural color she's been born with and apart from many of her other female counterparts, she has no sex tape, wears underwear ALL THE TIME, and has yet to be on the cover of MAXIM. Good 'ol Taylor *country hick voice*. 

Orlando's letter to Taylor however addressed an issue that's been following me for a while. Taylor has been with everyone. When I say everyone, I mean EVERYONE. It's been noted that Swift has been with 16 men in the last five years, ascending the red carpet list as she goes. I wanna believe the best in Taylor, she is a great artist after all, but Orlando makes some pretty good points and some pretty bitchy ones as well. Wait, lemme not say that. We all know how men get when you call them "bitches."

From a reader on my Facebook page: "[Taylor's] terrible at relationships but has a knack for writing stupid, catchy songs about failed love interests. She's an entrepreneur of failing at life, but succeeding because of it. C'est la vie."
Uh huh. I wonder if that would be the public's opinion if you were a 23-year-old MALE singer—banging chicks today, putting them up for public humiliation through song lyrics and frustrated commentary on daytime/nighttime talk shows tomorrow. What's that? You don't remember what you said about your conquests, Miss Swift?

Ironically enough, this comment made me think. Yes Taylor is going about her conquests in an extraordinary way. She is, dare I say it, acting like a man. But when a woman begins to act like a man, this is where letter's like Orlando's begin to surface. Lemme be clear, I'm not saying he's wrong, I'm saying that John Mayer (who Swift has dated but who is the biggest jerkhole in the industry) has yet to receive his own late letter. Welcome to the world of double standards!

Whether Swift is dating because she is looking for love (in all the wrong places) or because she needs a good new song quest is beyond me, but she isn't fooling anybody. Nice way to combat the double standard Taylor but in the world we live in, there is no combating it. You just have to go with the flow because if you don't Charles Orlando will write a very scathing letter to you and blast it all over Facebook about your manish ways.

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